Friday, March 6, 2009

The Straight World

Dear World,

Over the past couple of days while wondering around campus I've just been noticing a plethora of very attractive men. Which makes me so much more motivated to stay on campus. So while searching for a table in the library I bump into this really attractive black guy. Usually I'm not attracted to black guys, but today I guess I was. He had this boyish charm, kind of like Chris Brown and he had such a cute/gay smile which was what gave him away to me. We both ended up in the elevator together, and he kept smiling at me. He was in soccer gear might I add, which made him even more attractive because it meant he was into sports. But I only had 6 floors to enjoy his company, and once the elevator stopped that was the last time I saw him. Kind of sad I know, but what can you do? That's what happens when you're gay. You can't make a move because you run the risk of hitting on a straight guy. In a gay world, I would've already had his number, but in a straight world you just walk away.

Another instance, today, I had a meeting for my fraternity. Yes I am in a fraternity now. And sat next to the cutest Asian guy. And again, I don't usually find asian guys attractive but this guy had a boyish charm to him too. And then I realized I'm into boyish looking guys. (5mins later) Okay so after rereading my post, I realize that I sound like a total pedophile for emphasizing "boyish charm" and let me tell you now, I am not a pedophile lol. I'm not really sure how to describe more explicitly what boyish charm is, but for the sake of time I'll just assume that you guys know what I'm talking about. But yea me and Asia sat next to each other in our meeting and although he did seem a little too put together to be straight, I really think he was just metro. So really, going after this guy would of been a lost cause. Let me tell you, going after a straight guy, although very seductive, always is a let down. You always hope that there be a chance that he is gay, and you reason with yourself all the "clues" but I've learned not to fool myself. (Caution: Irrelevant picture approaching, just so that my post isn't so bland)

Which leads me to another point. It is so hard for gays to find people in this world designed for straight people. I guess you can say we are the lefties of society. Maybe its cause I'm not immersed within the gay community, but there are so many more rules for a gay person. You can never act on impulse for one, because if you do you might get punched in the face. Whereas if a straight guy, out of impulse, went after a girl and she turned out to be a lesbian it would just be amusing, maybe even a turn on. Or if a girl went after a gay guy, she would be let down at first, but they'd end up being best friends. But if a gay guy went after a straight guy, he would either leave with a black eye, or a very injured pride. I mean, this doesn't apply to everything but I'm just speaking generally. Something to think about .....

Peace and love,

p.s I realized that it has become way too difficult to respond to people's emails. So this whole no comments thing isn't going to work for me anymore. Although please keep sending me emails if you want to be more personal, however save the little opinions for the comments. Because I'm being flooded with random emails of things like "That was a good post." and trust me if you get like 10 of the same ones, going through the motion of clicking the email, reading it, and then trashing it, takes a long time.


Volodya said...

it's good that comments are back :-)

Anonymous said...

i have horrible jungle fever. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

i have horrible jungle fever. hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

i shouldnt even post this - but i'm straight, married even - and hitting on someone like me would not be a black eye or injured pride - it would probably be jackpot - go for it - what do you really have to lose?

Anonymous said...

i'm just curious as to whether you have a seancody membership, or do you just download them for free off of limewire? ;)

Anonymous Blogger said...

whoa, a lot of comments from non bloggers cool.

Anon 1:40: I really didn't know I had straight readers. But you would honestly feel like you hit the jackpot if a gay guy hit on your?

Jonathan- Um, I don't have a seancody membership or limewire. lol

Anonymous said...

Are you open to a support group for gays? Why not try Courage. Find out if they have a chapter in your place:

Aek said...

Hurray! Comments are back!! Honestly, I was going to email you (I still might) but this is quicker so I don't forget what I'm going to say.

It is annoying/sucky how the world (generally) works, no? Sigh, so unfair.

dickophile said...

i think the photo is relevant. to me owen totally has boyish charm. sexy, i want him to fuck me really hard boyish charm.

Anonymous said...

there's still ample opportunity to flirt with asian since you'll be seeing him often. Even if he's not gay, he may want to experiment. Sophomore year to graduation, I never hooked up with an out gay guy, they were all straight identified.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree with everything you said. It's such a tough life.

Tris said...

It is a straight man's world after all. But it would mean nothing - nothing - without gay guys/girls. =D

Anonymous Blogger said...

Anon 11:21: I have no idea what you are talking about. I would love to help if thats what you are asking for. But please email me for further details.

Aek: I was wondering when I was going to get an email from you.

Anon 12:30: True, but I seriously wish I could find a guy who identified as would you go about doing that though? i've thought about it so many times and don't know how it would work. You need to teach me, lol.

-T- very true, it would mean nothing without us gays.

Anonymous said...

I am from 1:40 on Friday and yes - it might be jackpot for both of us because the only other alternative for me is to creep out on craigslist which just isnt gonna happen.... my point is not that - my point is - you never know - why limit your possibilities?

D. said...

some straight guys are just too hot. i know what you mean.

try to be more active in the gay community on your campus? that's my advice to meeting guys.

Anonymous Blogger said...

Anon 6:47- Wait so why are you going to creep out on craigslist? lol. So are you saying that you are a curious straight guy? But point taken, but for me I guess its a personality flaw. I can't go out and attempt to attract a straight guy. But maybe I should learn....

David- There isn't really a gay community on campus, but idk, i need more gay friends that are like me. lol

Anonymous said...

6:47 again - of course I'm curious or I wouldn't be reading here :-) and I do enjoy your writing quite a bit

Anonymous Blogger said...

Anon 5:27: Thanks!! And thats cool that you are curios I figure you guys get the best of both worlds. You should use an alias name from now on so I know that its you commenting me!

Anonymous said...

ok - Anon 5:27 is now goleftatthefork

Anonymous Blogger said...

yay thank for that goleftatthefork! hope to here from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey sorry I haven't commented in so long, I've been way out of it. BUt i totally agree with you, I don't ever go out thinking ill meet anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous Blogger, thanks for commenting on my blog. Is it just me, or do not all of your posts have places to put comments? This is the only one I saw that even had a place to click...

Anonymous Blogger said...

Hey jake, no problem. BUt yea I disabled my comments for some time quite some time and I recently decided to enable them gain, but I still usually disable my comments when there is really nothing to comment on, like my image heavy posts.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across this post cuz I was bored, but thought it was damn cool that you put it out there.

I'm a straight guy. When I was in college I once got hit on in an elevator (He wanted to go down on me while I was trying to go up ironicly enough) I simply said no thanks, and he left the elevator when it reached the next floor. I didn't deck him. I didn't go running for the cops. That was the end of it.

HOW he indicated he was interested was the only thing offensive to me.

Indicating you think someone is cool/cute/interesting and you'd like to get together with them sometime is ALWAYS risky. (The rejection factor is always there) but my guess is they are more risky if the other person is a homophobe.

All I can think of then is: "no offense man I just thought you were cool" that's my 2¢