Saturday, May 23, 2009

Give Me Yo Digits

Dear World,

So I get asked frequently how many views I get per day. When people first asked me this question I felt like I was disclosing my waist size or something along those lines. But now, I can really careless how many people out there are viewing my blog. I do this for me, and if people are reading then thats only a plus. I owe a lot of my success to Matt from Debriefing the Boys who did a post about my blog like a year ago. (Click Here if you want to see it). But if people insist on knowing, yesterday I got 713 views, but on average I get about 599 views. Page views and visits total I have 156,446. There you go! Hope this satisfies your curiosity, although all you really had to do was just scroll to the bottom and click on the thing that says "sitemeter."

Matt, I don't know if you are reading this, I know this is long overdue, but I truly thank you. I know I've sent you emails, but my blog would not of reached its potential without your help. I was about to give up on blogging until I realized that someone out there had faith in me. If you never made that post, I don't think my blog would be where it is now. For those readers who read my blog from the beginning in April 2008, you guys can tell how much I've changed. Even though I'm still in the closet, I have changed so much. My blog has changed completely from one that was just a sob story to one where I can actually pull morals out of small events in my life. (I still need to find my old posts....because I deleted it.....oops)

But I really would like to thank you guys for all of your support. My blog is getting more popular each day, and for reasons I don't even know. I just write the things that linger in my mind as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep, and if people can appreciate those thoughts, loosing sleep was well worth it. All in all, I think we need more gay bloggers out there who let their voice be heard. Although blogging isn't exactly the most pretentious venue to gain attention, it's a start, and I can appreciate anybody out there who lets themselves be vulnerable to other people's opinions that ,at times, can be really scathing and hurtful. However, the majority of the people out there are kind and supportive and this completely overshadows the negative. We need more gay bloggers, and by gay bloggers I mean the ones that talk about their life experiences to help open the eyes of people who are so blinded. I find that the most popular gay blogs out there, with the exception of a very few, are porn blogs. I mean yea, porn blogs are great and all, but I feel like we need more blogs out there like Debriefing the Boys, that attempt to shine a light on something that is often forgotten about. So if you are sitting here, reading this, and you have a story to tell, I encourage you to express it. And if you need help getting started, let me know!

Peace and Love,


Pilgrim said...

Dear Anonymous, since I first read you, you were one of my highlights. Mind, that I follow you. You have a unique way to name the things. Propz Pilgrim

Aek said...

There are so many blogs popping up that I can't keep track of all of them at once! But I followed yours since the beginning, and I'll read it until the end.

I actually have a folder in my bookmarks with links to blogs I've yet to read. I should get on that.

Doomed But Cheerful! said...

I was reading your blog before the hiatus, and avidly follow it now. I agree that it, and you, have evolved and continue to grow even more wonderful and interesting. I am sure anyone approaching you for advice on writing will be warmy received and soundly supported.
G =]

Doomed But Cheerful! said...

I was reading your blog before the hiatus, and avidly follow it now. I agree that it, and you, have evolved and continue to grow even more wonderful and interesting. I am sure anyone approaching you for advice on writing will be warmy received and soundly supported.
G =]

Anonymous said...

I continue to read and enjoy your blog very much. You're one of the mature and sophisticated voices out there, much like Matt @ DbTB.

j said...

I just started reading your blog, and I must say, I am extremely happy I found yours. Just reading a few of your posts really touched me and gave me something to think about.

I am .. well, yeah. It's a bit hard to admit it even on here but it makes me feel a bit better knowing I have a blog to go to for advice. Thanks.

I also linked your blog to mine, I hope you don't mind!


j said...

So I just read your whole blog and I must say, wow. Your post about asking God a question really got me thinking. I don't know what I would ask him really; I think I would be so scared of what he might say, I would walk away. Anyway, I would e-mail you, but Hotmail is giving me their typical "servers are to busy, please try again later" error and that's just plain annoying. Anyway, hope you post soon; I'd love to read it.
